Get the most from your weekend

We read a study recently about how to increase happiness. Essentially, the authors asked one group of people to treat the next weekend as a holiday, and another group of people were told to have a normal weekend. No further instruction was given and participants interpreted this in their own way. Measures of “happiness” were recorded following the weekend.

Guess what? Those who treated the weekend like a holiday scored higher on happiness than those who treated the weekend as usual.

Judiciously used, weekends treated as holidays appear to help you feel happier. It’s that “judiciously” which is important here. Treating every weekend as a holiday doesn’t just spoil the “specialness” of the event, it can have negative effects. Maintaining a sense of purpose over the weekend can also be empowering, productive and a way of making yourself successful.


Our take on the conflicting information? Take time to enjoy yourself. To relax. To have “me” or “us” time. Make something of your time off. But in doing that, use it. Not just to lie around, but to achieve something. The two apparently conflicting articles we’ve referenced above are actually easy to combine. Use your weekend. Don’t fritter it away. Spend time together. Look after yourself and those around you. See the joy in the world.


“Do something this weekend.”